Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Wahh...sudah sebulan tidak mengupdate ini blog.....really bz with work..nxt week dh midterm..nasib smua soalan dh siap...hrp smua leh jwb soalan2 ini....notes ade yg x lengkap lg..arghh..sikit stress...xpe..for the beginning.....sem dpn insyaAllah..everything will go smoothly....

This week...i think i've made a stupid mistake...till now...die dh x sms lg..hurmmm...silap aku xpelah...nvr mind........[dlm hati sedih banget..huhu]

Next week..xde class...blehla siapkn notes mane yg x setel lg..hrp sminggu tu dpt bereskn smua...

The week after nxt week....dh start cuti dpt cuti smpai isnin je...still under probation..ape leh dibuat...sabo aje la.....

Till then...
